Going to an academicly rigorus school when you have dyslexia can make you feel like the odds are stacked against you. But what if I told you that all those challenges you face can become your greatest strengths?
Imposter Syndrome
I used to feel imposter syndrome in a classroom environment. I felt like all my peers were always one step ahead and my dyslexia was making me fall behind. Whenever I feel this way I remind myself that dyslexia isnt a disadvantage, it is a differnt way of processing information. This gave me the confidence to push myself academically.
Unfortunately, stigmas about dyslexia still exist. Surround yourself with people who understand your difference. I used to not have any friends with dyslexia until I started a dyslexia teen board. Talking with all of them about dyslexia and having people understand what I deal with has been super helpful in building confidence. If you don't have anyone close to you with dyslexia, educate your friends and family.
Every chalange you face is a chance for you to grow stronger. Don't let the pressure break you. Embrace the grit and stay confident!